Eastern Dooars B.Ed Training College

Maintenance Committee

Maintenance Committee

The maintenance committee was formed in the year 2021-22 and the tenure of this committee is three (3) years,. The student, non-teaching and teaching representative will change as per the need and academic year. It is responsible for developing and implementing strategies for the effective maintenance of the institute’s infrastructure and other related facilities.

Objectives of Governing Body

Committee Members

SL.Name of MembersDesignationCommittee Role
1Prof(Dr.) Sanantana TripathyPrincipal
2Bimal RoyGoverning Body
3Dilip GhoshGoverning Body
4Asish GhoshAssist. Professor
5Shib Shankar RayAsst. Prof., (HOD, B.Ed)
6Abhijeet GhosalAsst. Prof., (HOD, M.Ed)
7Moumita Banerjee HoD, D.El.Ed
8Guna sekhar NaiduAccountant
9Sankhodip Mitra Supporting Staff
10Sumanrouth ChoudhurySupporting Staff
11Pradip BasforeSupporting Staff
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