Code of Conduct
Code of Conduct
The Code of Conduct enforces the culture of punctuality, discipline, cooperation and academic work in the Institute. All stakeholders associated with Eastern Dooars B.Ed. Training College must know and adhere to the following code of conduct-
Code of Conduct for Governing Body/Management
- Members of the governing body in collective and individual capacities would support the aims and objectives of the Institute, showing it the highest loyalty, and act in good faith in its interests.
- Each member should also act honestly and diligently in promoting the interests of the Institute, its students and other stakeholders.
- Members would work co-cooperatively with other stakeholders for the benefit of the Institute as a whole and not for any improper purpose, or personal motive.
- A decision of the Governing Body, even when it is not unanimous, is a decision taken by the Governing Body collectively and each members must stand by it, whether or not he/she was present at the meeting when the decision was taken.
- It is unethical for members publicly to criticize, canvass, or reveal the views of other members expressed at meetings of the Governing Body or its Committees.
- The members would not make statements to the press or media or at any public meeting relating to the proceedings of the Governing Body or its Committees without first obtaining the approval of the President or, in his/her absence, the Vice President or any of the later members.
Code of Conduct for Principal
- He would provide leadership, direction and co-ordination within the Institution.
- He would plan and execute the vision and mission statement of the institution.
- He would guide the staff members to shape vision of academic success of students.
- He would give importance to students’ ideas for betterment of academic and overall development of the corporate life of the institute.
- He would plan the budgetary provisions and go through the financial audited statements of the Institution.
- He would ensure the academic development plan for students, also provide them with opportunities to prove themselves by means of extracurricular and co-curricular activities of the Institution which are duly processed and implemented through relevant authorities, bodies and committees.
- Direct and monitor the administration of the academic programmes and general administration of the Institution.
- He would form various college level committees which are necessary for the development of the Institution, guide and monitor tasks completed by the committees.
- He would ensure that the staff and students are aware of rules, policies and procedures laid down by the college and enforce them to carry out.
- He would maintain discipline in the Institution, take necessary action whenever required.
- Be fair in his disciplinary actions for all the members of faculty, non-teaching staff and students.
- Take remedial measures / actions based on the stakeholder’s feedback.
- Promote various value education programs and related activities to inculcate values in students.
- He would monitor the functioning of the academic and administrative staff and see that they fulfil all their responsibilities as prescribed.
- He would monitor the conduct of meetings on behalf of the institution which include the meetings of staff, HoDs, Coordinators, college Academic Council and management.
- He would develop a strong association with industry, research and consultancy establishments and signing Memorandum of Understandings aimed at improving specific strengths of the college.
- He would inspire all his / her colleagues towards the achievement of the goals of the organization and leading them from the forefront.
- He would promote teachers for healthy competition and pursue teacher level awards at college and other levels.
Code of Conduct for Teachers
- All the teachers must maintain decorum both inside and outside the classroom and set a good example for the students.
- Teachers are expected to act with integrity and comply with the laws and maintain a professional work environment by complying with institutional policies.
- Everyone should try to protect institutional assets including physical or intellectual and electronic or digital properties.
- The institute executes strong policy on prevention and prohibition of sexual harassment at workplace.
- The faculty should dress appropriately in such a manner that they reflect a professional image to the public and his respectful of others.
- A teacher shall be required to maintain the scheduled hours of work during which she must be present in the place of his or her duty. No teacher shall be absent from duty without permission from the competent authority.
- As per the rules of the institution, all the staff members must strictly follow the procedure of adjusting their classes and show the consent of the substitute teacher to the HOD before going on leave as for as practicable.
- Welcoming and supporting people of all backgrounds and identities irrespective of race, ethnicity , culture , National origin, social, economic class and educational level as well as colour, immigration, status, sex, age, size, family status, political belief, religion and mental and physical ability is expected from the faculty members.
- Teachers shall make use of all ICT infrastructure built in the institution as per topic or concept or subject of discussion. They should help to guide and encourage and assist the students to ensure that the learning experience is effective and successful. All the teachers should help as a subject knowledge expert in enhancing subject skills and also act as mentor to guide their students in planning and furthering their future career goals.
- A teacher should maintain active membership in professional organization and strive to improve education and profession through them.
Code of Conduct for Non-teaching Staff
- All the non-teaching staff, being supporting staff of the college should work in collaboration with the Administrative Officer under the orders of the Authorities. Each one shall report to the duty on time.
- They should strive to maintain the academic atmosphere of the college through the work assigned to them.
- They are not allowed to sub-delegate the responsibilities entrusted to them without the prior permission of the Authorities.
- They are not allowed to leave the college campus during working hours unless permitted by the Authorities.
- They should adhere strictly to the rules and regulations of the college.
- They should deal with students, staff, and colleagues with respect and courtesy.
- They should maintain honesty, discipline, fairness, and justice in their official duties.
- They should keep the confidentiality of the records maintained in their offices and are custodians of the files and papers entrusted to his/her section.
- If anyone raises complaints against the functioning of any section, he/she should be directed by the Administrative Officer. Matters beyond the jurisdiction of the Administrative Officer should be referred to the Authorities without any delay.
- On unavoidable circumstances they can take leave on working days. They should get permission from the authorities and inform the leave to Administrative Officer for the proper functioning of the offices.
- They should refrain from the use of alcohol and other intoxicants on the campus and also from receiving bribes of any type. Moral uprightness is expected from all staff members.
- All should cooperate with the administration and the teaching staff for the smooth and efficient functioning of the college.
Code of Conduct for Students
- Students have to attend at least 75% of available classes , failing which they shall not be allowed to appear in end term semester examinations.
- The students must adhere to the rules and discipline of the college so that they can develop their potential in an orderly way by promoting a healthy relation between the teachers and the taught and also by preserving a peaceful academic atmosphere essential for study.
- The students must attend the classes on time and stay for the entire class period (or, until dismissed) because random arrivals and exits are disrespectful and distracting.
- All the students must treat their teachers, all college employees and other students of the institution with respect, dignity, impartiality, courtesy and sensitivity.
- Ragging is banned in the institute’s campus. Anyone found guilty of ragging is liable and will be dealt with seriously. The culprits will be dismissed from the institution and a case will be filed with local police authorities, other than the proceedings of the Anti-Ragging Committee of the College.
- Violations of academic conduct like malpractice during examination, plagiarism or unauthorized presentation of collaborative work will make the student liable for punishment.
- All kind of political activities in the campus is forbidden.
- Smoking and consumption of alcohol on the institute premises or entering the institute’s premises after consuming alcoholic drinks is strictly prohibited.
- Destroying or miss using or stealing or defacing and damaging any property of the Institute is a punishable offence.
- Posting derogatory comments about individuals of the institution on the social media or indulging in any such related activities having grave consequences on the reputation of the institute is prohibited.
- Tuition fees and other related fees like examination fees must be paid within the stipulated period of time.
- The students shall always carry identity cards with them and produce the same whenever they are asked to by the institute authorities.
- The safety of girls students is given utmost priority by the institute authority. Students must behave politely with one another as well as teachers and other stake holders of the college. Any incident of harassment in any form will be taken very seriously and strict action will be taken against the students.
- Any grievance or discrepancy must be brought to the notice of the Principal only.
- Students must park their vehicles in the parking space only and forbidden to blow horn or indulge in bike race in the campus.
- Sexual mis conduct or harassment in a case sensitive deed which includes but not limited to sexual assault, unwanted touching, or persistent unwelcoming comments, or emails or picture of an insulting or degrading sexual nature is prohibited for the students and is a punishable offence.
- Students are expected to be dressed in the uniform properly and decently and behave properly with their peer group and other students.